The Bioscience PhD programs were established in 1987 with the mission of providing the best graduate training in Molecular Biology and Biological Chemistry for the next generation of scientists. Since then, more than 850 students graduated with a PhD from our programs and are now occupying such positions as university professors, pharmaceutical company scientists and patent attorneys, just to name a few. The experience from the Bioscience PhD programs goes beyond just technical training. The best way to convey this is to read and/or watch what our alumni have to say when reflecting upon their time in the Bioscience PhD programs at the University of Utah.
Where do our graduates go after graduation?
Many graduates move into postdoctoral training within academia or industry, or directly into a related career field. Below is a detailed analysis of Alumni that graduated between 1987-2017. Students that have completed a PhD since 2018 are entering the same wide variety of options in roughly the same ratios.
Total Alumni that have graduated with a PhD (1987-2017): 617
Our alumni live and work all over the world.
Lisa Goering, Ph.D. (Class of '03)
Assistant Professor of Biology
St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas
"The most valuable lesson I learned while in the University of Utah's Bioscience Molecular Biology program was persistence! And the importance of collaboration in the sciences."
Harrison F. Dillon, J.D., Ph.D. (Class of '98)
President & Chief Technology Officer
Solazyme, Inc
"The Bioscience Molecular Biology Program was crucial in training me as a geneticist and helping me become an independent thinker."

University of Pittsburgh
"The most valuable things/lessons I learned were to write well and to be open minded. I had several memorable moments while in the program: All the red marks on my first exam, when a professor told us we would end up as trash collectors if we didn't work harder, hosting Sean Carroll (the "evo-devo guy") for a seminar, and outrageous parties at Erik Jorgensen's house!"
Marc Hammarlund, Ph.D (Class of '96)
Rolf Karlstrom, Ph.D. (Class of '87)