Chan Yul Yoo
Assistant Professor of School of Biological Sciences
Plant Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology, Photoreceptor-containing Nuclear Bodies (Photobodies), Organelle Communication, Genetics

Molecular Biology Program
B.S. Yonsei University
Ph.D. Purdue University
Nuclear bodies are membraneless subnuclear biomolecular condensates consisting of protein/RNA/chromatin complexes involved in the spatiotemporal regulation of fundamental nuclear functions in eukaryotes. The misregulation of nuclear bodies is associated with human disease such as cancer and Parkinson's disease. Nuclear bodies are formed through a biophysical process called liquid-liquid phase separation that is triggered by multivalent interactions between proteins and nucleic acids.
Photobodies are plant nuclear bodies containing photoreceptors that sense light and regulate almost every aspects of growth and development including chloroplast biogenesis (greening). The misregulation of photobodies is associated with defects of chloroplast biogenesis, leading to albino or pale-green phenotypes. However, the function of photobodies in the regulation of nucleus-orgenelle communication in response to environmental changes are largely unknown. Our lab aims to (1) understand function of photobodies in chloroplast biogenesis, (2) investigate molecular mechanisms by which environmental changes modulate phase separation of photobodies, and (3) identify novel regulators of the anterograde signaling (nucleus-to-plasid signaling) to control chloroplast biogenesis. We use a combination of molecular biology, cell biology, and genetics to explore fundamental mysteries of photobodies in plants.
References (Selected Publications)
- Lee JH, Doan TM†, Senthilkumar S†, Yoo CY* (2024) Mechanism of nucleus-chloroplast communication by alternative promoter usage and stromules to establish photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. bioRxiv 2024.05.13.593997
- Willige BC*, Yoo CY*, Guzman PS (2024) What is going on inside of phytochrome B photobodies? The Plant Cell 36:2065-2086
- Shin D, Cho KH, Tucker E, Yoo CY, Kim J (2024) Identification of tomato F-box proteins functioning in phenylpropanoid metabolism. Plant Molecular Biology 114:85
- Mano N, Shaikh MA, Widhalm JR, Yoo CY, Mickelbart MV (2024) Transcriptional repression of GTL1 under water-deficit stress promotes anthocyanin biosynthesis to enhance drought tolerance. Plant Direct 8:e594
- Hwang Y*, Han S*, Yoo CY*, Hong L, You C, Le BH, Shi H, Zhong S, Hoecker U, Chen X, Chen M (2022) Anterograde signaling controls plastid transcription via sigma factors separately from nuclear photosynthesis genes. Nature Commun 13:7440
- Yoo CY*, Jiangman He*, Qing Sang*, Qiu Y, Long L, Kim RJ, Chong E, Hahm J, Morffy N, Zhou P, Strader L, Nagatani A, Mo B, Chen X, Chen M (2021) Direct photoresponsive inhibition of a p53-like transcription activation domain in PIF3 by Arabidopsis phytochrome B. Nature Commun 12:5614
- Qiu Y*, Pasoreck EK*, Yoo CY*, He J, Wang H, Bajracharya A, Li M, Larsen H, Cheung S, Chen M (2021) RCB initiates Arabidopsis thermomorphogenesis by stabilizing the thermoregulator PIF4 in the daytime. Nature Commun 12:2042
- Willige BC*, Zander M*, Yoo CY, Phan A, Garza RM, Trigg SA, He Y, Nery JR, Chen H, Chen M, Ecker JR, Chory J (2021) PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs trigger environmentally responsive chromatin dynamics. Nature Genet 53:955-961
- Yoo CY, Han S, Chen M (2020) Nucleus-to-plastid phytochrome signaling in controlling chloroplast biogenesis. Annu Plant Rev 3:251-280
- Yoo CY, Pasoreck EK, Wang H, Cao J, Blaha GM, Weigel D, Chen M (2019) Phytochrome activates the plastid-encoded RNA polymerase for chloroplast biogenesis via nucleus-to-plastid signaling. Nature Commun 10:2629
- Yang EJ*, Yoo CY*, Liu J*, Wang H, Cao J, Li F, Pryer K, Sun T, Weigel D, Zhou P, Chen M (2019) NCP activates chloroplast transcription by controlling light-dependent dual nuclear and plastidial switches. Nature Commun 10:2630
- Yoo CY, Williams D, Chen, M (2019) Quantitative analysis of photobodies. Methods Mol Biol 2026:135-141