Meet Peng!
Peng Wei, Rutter Lab (Biochemistry)
Tell me a little about yourself.
I’m from China and graduated from Lanzhou University with a Bachelor degree in Bioscience. I am interested in understanding the fundamental metabolism and its effects in cancer and stem cells.
Tell me about your lab. What do you study?
Our lab is currently exploring three area: 1) Functional Annotation of the Mitochondrial Proteome, 2) Metabolic Underpinnings of Cancer and Stem Cells, and 3) Integrated Control of Metabolism by PASK-dependent Signaling. One of my projects is to study the metabolism features of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, and another project is to study the fundamental metabolic underpinnings of Intestinal Stem Cells.
Why did you choose to join your lab?
I am interested in its research directions, and also like the lab’s atmosphere.
Why did you choose the U for graduate school?
I chose because of the cutting-edge bioscience research, and the beautiful mountains, of course.
What do you like the most about living in Salt Lake City?
There are all kinds of outdoor activities. Also, the city is close to many ski resorts, and Sundance Film Festival takes place in nearby Park City.
What types of things do you do outside of class and lab?
Hiking, Snowboarding
What advice would you give to someone applying to and interviewing for graduate school?
Make sure this is what you are interested in and passionate about. During an interview, don’t be shy and enjoy the opportunity to talk about your research and discuss science.