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Meet Emily Wilson!

Zhang (Oncological Sciences)

Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from, what degree(s) do you have? What are your interests?

I am originally from Hackettstown, New Jersey. I double majored in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology and minored in Bioinformatics at the University of Vermont. I fell in love with epigenetics and gene regulation in high school biology. I continued exploring these topics in college and knew that I wanted to dive even deeper in grad school.

Why did you choose the U for graduate school?

I was drawn to the U for the incredible research and the mountains/outdoors. Getting a PhD is a tough process, so I think it is important to live somewhere that fosters your hobbies and makes you happy.

Tell me about your lab. What do you study?

I am in the Zhang Lab at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. We study gene regulation in the context of cancer, focusing on the 3D genome. My project involves studying alternative promoters and their role in enhancing and compensating for oncogene expression.

Why did you choose to join your lab?

I wanted to continue exploring gene regulation and build computational skills which made the Zhang lab a perfect fit. When I met with Xiaoyang Zhang before rotating, I was amazed by his enthusiasm, and I really liked his hands-on mentorship.

What do you like most about living in Salt Lake City?

I love the mountains and the access to trails. I love to go on trail runs during my lunch break and also being able to ski after work!

What do you like the least?

Being from the east coast, I really miss the ocean. It can get very dry here, and I miss the rain.



What do you like most about being a graduate student?

I love to be constantly learning and expanding my knowledge. I am grateful to have a job that makes me feel fulfilled and like I’m contributing to a larger purpose.


What types of things do you do outside of class and lab?

I love to hike, ski, bike, and run. I also love reading at coffee shops, slack lining at the park, thrifting, and playing guitar.

What does a typical weekday look like for you?

I like to wake up early and have a slow morning with some coffee before heading into lab. I spend most of my day doing my experiments, computational analysis, and reading papers. After work I either go for a run on the trails behind the cancer center or go to the student gym.

What does a typical weekend look like for you?

I usually go for a long run in the canyon, followed by a yoga class, and a yummy lunch at a café. In the evenings, I love to go to concerts, or on sunset hikes. 

What advice would you give to someone applying and interviewing for graduate school?

My advice would be to apply to places where you would feel excited to live for the next 5 or so years. I struggled with feelings of imposter syndrome during the application and interview process- I think it’s important to have confidence in yourself and to not compare yourself to other people. I think one of the most important qualities for a successful PhD student to have is passion and excitement for the field! 

Last Updated: 6/13/24