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Faculty Research - Molecular Biology and Biological Chemistry

With more than 200 participating faculty, students have a variety of lab rotation choices in their first year of graduate study. Lab rotations are essential for identifying the appropriate thesis mentor and lab. In addition, lab rotations expose students to a wide variety of research emphasis areas and experimental techniques, and enable students to develop a network of research contacts.


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Number of faculty: 197

Name Program Department Research Research Emphases Area
Andersen, Josh MB, BC Oncological Sciences Cell Signaling, Molecular Mechanisms, Kinase Regulation, Autophagy, Cell Survival, Cell Growth Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Immunobiology
Babst, Markus MB, BC School of Biological Sciences Protein Trafficking Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Metabolism
Balagurunathan, Kuby BC Medicinal Chemistry Glycobiology, Glycomedicine, and Carbohydrate Biosynthesis, Chemical Biology of Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Bandarian, Vahe BC Chemistry biosynthesis, enzymes, modified transfer RNA base, queuosine, ubiquitous RNA modification Chemical Biology
Barrios, Amy BC Biochemistry Protein Phosphorylation, Chemical Probe Development, Metals in Medicine Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Basham, Kaitlin MB Oncological Sciences Cellular Senescence, Wnt Signaling, Adrenal Cancer, Mouse Models of Cancer, Developmental Biology Cancer Biology
Bass, Brenda MB, BC Biochemistry dsRNA, innate immunity, helicases, ADARs, Dicer Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Beaudin, Anna MB Microbiology and Immunology Fetal Hematopoiesis, Blood Production, Immune Development, Developmental Origin of Disease Immunobiology; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Bernstein, Paul MB, BC Pharmacology & Toxicology
Bettini, Maria MB Microbiology and Immunology T cell biology, tolerance, autoimmunity, metabolism Cell Biology; Immunobiology; Metabolism
Bettini, Matthew MB Microbiology and Immunology Autoimmunity, Central Tolerance, Thymic Development, Tolerance to Microbiota, Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) Immunobiology; Metabolism
Bidone, Tamara MB, BC Biochemistry Biophysics, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Coarse-graining, Agent-based Modeling, Protein Structure-function Relationship
Blackwood, Erik MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Heart Failure, Cardiometabolic Disease, Atrial Myopathy, Cardiac Fibrosis, Inter-Organ Communication, Cardiokine Secretion, Cellular Proteostasis, ER Stress, Cardiac Metabolism, Gene Therapy Cell Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism
Blair, David MB, BC School of Biological Sciences Bacterial Motility Chemical Biology
Bonkowsky, Josh MB Neurobiology Function of Human Disease Genes in CNS Development
Bosch, Justin MB Human Genetics Cell Signaling, Genetics, Development, Inter-organ Communication, Drosophila, CRISPR, Plasma Proteomics Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Genome Engineering; Metabolism; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Boudina, Sihem MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Obesity, adipose tissue, mitochondria, cardiovascular disease, autophagy Metabolism; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Brasch, Julia MB, BC Biochemistry Synaptic organization, cell-cell adhesion, structural biology, electron cryo-tomography, cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography, Biophysics Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cell Biology
Brennan, KC MB Neurobiology Optical and electrophysiological investigation of the basic mechanisms of migraine, Sensory systems neuroscience Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Brown, Jessica MB School of Biological Sciences Pathogenesis, Fungal Genetics, Host-Pathogen Interaction Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Buck, Bethany MB, BC Chemistry Structural Biology, Biophysics, and Cancer Epigenetics Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology
Buckley, Shannon MB Oncological Sciences Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Ubiquitination, Proteomics Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Immunobiology; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Bulaj, Greg BC Medicinal Chemistry Molecular-Behavioral Combination Therapies; Epilepsy; Cancer; Digital Health; Mobile Medical Apps Chemical Biology
Cairns, Brad MB, BC Oncological Sciences Chromatin Transcription, Genomics, Gene Expression Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Camp, Nicola MB Human Genetics Statistical Genetics & Genetic Epidemiology
Cao, Erhu MB, BC Biochemistry Ion channels, receptors, structural biology, cryo-EM, and renal disease Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology
Capecchi, Mario MB Human Genetics Mammalian Development, Human Pathology from Cancer to Neuropschiatric Disorders, Neuroscience Cell Biology; Immunobiology; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Carey, Allison MB Microbiology and Immunology Mycobacteria, Tuberculosis, Microbial Genomics, Antibiotic Resistance, Virulence Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Caron, Sophie MB School of Biological Sciences Drosophila Melanogaster, Mushroom Body, Multisensory Integration, Sensory Systems, Connectomics, Learning and Memory Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Cazalla, Demian MB, BC Biochemistry Functions and Mechanisms of Non-Coding RNAs Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Chaix, Amandine MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Physiology, Metabolism, Nutrition, Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF), Circadian clock, Cancer Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism
Chaudhuri, Dipayan MB, BC Biochemistry Mitochondria, heart failure, ion channels, calcium channels, mitochondrial diseases, voltage-clamp electrophysiology, metabolism, calcium imaging, mitochondrial calcium uniporter Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism
Cheatham, Thomas BC Medicinal Chemistry Biomolecular Simulation, Computational Chemistry Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Chen, Mingnan BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Peptides, Host Immune Systems Peptide Materials Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism
Chow, Clement MB Human Genetics Genetic variation, ER stress, Disease modifiers Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Metabolism; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Dale, Colin MB School of Biological Sciences Microbiology and molecular evolution, insects and endosymbionts Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics
Davis, Darrell MB, BC Medicinal Chemistry RNA Structure/Function Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
DePaula-Silva, Ana Beatriz (Bia) MB, BC Pharmacology & Toxicology Neurovirology, Neurobiology, Neuroinflammation, CNS Viral Infection, Mouse Models, Seizures, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Immune Response Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Diehl, Katharine MB, BC Medicinal Chemistry Chromatin and Histone Modifications, Epigenetics and Metabolism, Protein Chemistry, Metabolite Sensors Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism
Douglass, Adam MB Neurobiology Neuronal Function, optical methods Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Drakos, Stavros MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Heart Failure, Metabolism, Translational Research, Cardiomyocytes, Molecular Mechanisms
Drummond, Micah MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Aging, Muscle, Inflammation, Exercise, Nutrition, Immunometabolism, Translational Research, Therapeutics Metabolism
Ducker, Greg MB, BC Biochemistry Cancer Metabolism, Physiology, Liver Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Mass Spectrometry, Chemical Biology, Lipidomics Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Metabolism
Edgar, Bruce MB Oncological Sciences Cell Growth, Cell Cycle, Regeneration, Drosophila, Stem Cells, Organoids Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Eilbeck, Karen MB Human Genetics Bioinformatics Research
Elde, Nels MB Human Genetics Evolutionary Cell Biology, Virology, Microbiology, Genetics, Genome Science, Experimental Evolution Cell Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Elf, Shannon MB, BC Oncological Sciences Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, Calcium Signaling, ER Stress, Cellular Metabolism Cancer Biology; Metabolism
English, Justin MB, BC Biochemistry Directed evolution, protein engineering, molecular tool development, synthetic biology, pharmacogenomics, G-protein coupled receptors, cell signaling, neuroscience Cell Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Genome Engineering
Evason, Kimberley MB Oncological Sciences Liver, Cancer, Zebrafish, WNT/B-catenin Cancer Biology; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Evavold, Brian MB Microbiology and Immunology T cell antigen recognition Immunobiology; Metabolism
Fairfax, Keke MB Microbiology and Immunology B cells, macrophages, schistosomiasis, maternal infection, pathogenesis Metabolism
Franklin, Sarah MB, BC Biochemistry Chromatin, Chromatin Remodeling Epigenetics, Proteomics Chemical Biology; Metabolism
Franzini, Raphael BC Medicinal Chemistry Drug Development, Chemical Probes, Imaging Agents Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism
Funai, Katsu MB, BC Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Lipids, Mitochondria, Bioenergetics, Metabolic Disease Cell Biology; Metabolism
Gagnon, James MB School of Biological Sciences Developmental Biology, Genetics, Genomics Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Genome Engineering; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Garzon, Ramiro MB, BC Oncological Sciences
Gertz, Jay MB Oncological Sciences Transcription Factors, Gene Regulation, Cancer, Genomics, CRISPR Cancer Biology; Genome Engineering
Ghandehari, Hamid MB, BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Goel, Shreya BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Molecular Imaging, Nanomedicine, Bioengineering, Biophysical Microenvironment Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Golkowski, Martin MB, BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics, Chemical Biology, Epigenomics, Protein Kinases, Cell Signaling, Drug Discovery, Protein-protein Interactions
Grainger, David BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Biomaterials and Drug Delivery, Materials in Medicine, Nanomaterials Toxicity, Diagnostics, Cell Therapy Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Gregg, Chris MB Neurobiology Neuroscience, genomics, genetics, autism, addiction, behavior, epigenetics Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Grunwald, David MB Human Genetics Stem cells, tissue specification, and disease modeling in the zebrafish Genome Engineering; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Guo, Hongchao MB, BC Human Genetics Stem Cell Differentiation, Cardiovascular Disease, Genetics, Epigenetics, Heart Development & Regeneration Cell Biology; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Haecker, Hans MB, BC Microbiology and Immunology Innate Immunity, Inflammation, Autoimmunity, Hematopoiesis, Drug Discovery Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Hale, Scott MB Microbiology and Immunology T cell Biology, Immunological Memory, Anti-viral Immunity, Helper T cells, Memory T cells, Epigenetics, DNA Methylation Immunobiology
Hammer, Gianna MB Microbiology and Immunology Gut, Gut-brain, Inflammation, Colorectal Cancer, Innate Immunity, Enteric Pathogens, Innate-like T Cells Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Immunobiology; Metabolism; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Hammond, Ming BC Chemistry Biosensors, RNA, Fluorescence Imaging, Bacterial and Immune Cell Signaling Chemical Biology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Harasymowicz, Natalia MB Nutrition & Integrative Physiology Immune Cells, Arthritis, Obesity Cell Biology; Immunobiology; Metabolism
Herron, James BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Structural Immunology, Vaccines, Biosensors
Heys, Jim MB Neurobiology Learning and Memory, Synaptic Plasticity, Optical Methods Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Hicks, Kevin MB Nutrition & Integrative Physiology Metabolism, Protein-metabolite Interactomics, Metabolic Signaling and Surveillance, Protein Biochemistry, Enzymology, Mass Spectrometry, Interactome Discovery Platforms Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Metabolism
Hilgendorf, Keren MB, BC Biochemistry Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, Signaling, Stem Cells, Primary Cilium, Adipose Tissue Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Metabolism; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Hill, Chris MB, BC Biochemistry Protein Structure & Function Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Hollien, Julie MB School of Biological Sciences Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress Cell Biology
Holmen, Sheri MB Oncological Sciences Tumor Initiation and Progression Cancer Biology
Hong, TingTing MB, BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Cardiomyocyte, Transverse tubules, Microdomain, Heart Failure, Calcium signaling, Ion Channels, Extracellular Vesicles Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism
Horvath, Martin MB, BC School of Biological Sciences Structural Biology, Biochemistry, DNA repair, Eye Health Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Genome Engineering
Huang, Eric MB Oncological Sciences Brain tumor; cancer metabolism; epigenetic and genetic alterations; hypoxia; tumor progression Cancer Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Metabolism
Hughes, Adam MB, BC Biochemistry Organelle communication and disease, cell biology, organelle quality control, and nutrient sensing Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Metabolism
Hughes, Kelly MB School of Biological Sciences Biological Process in Bacteria Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Genome Engineering; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Iwasa, Janet MB, BC Biochemistry Molecular Animation, Multimedia, Visualization, Education, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Cell Biology; Chemical Biology
Johnson, Jarrod MB, BC Microbiology and Immunology HIV Molecular Virology, Virus-host Interactions, Virus Sensing, Innate Anti-viral Defenses, Gene Regulation, Dendritic Cells, Macrophages, CRISPR Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Genome Engineering; Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Jones, Kevin MB Oncological Sciences Mouse Genetic Model, Epigenetics, Pediatric Cancer, Soft-tissue Sarcoma, Translocation Cancer Biology
Jorgensen, Erik MB School of Biological Sciences Genetics of Neurotransmission, Synapse formation and modulation Genome Engineering; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Judson-Torres, Robert MB Oncological Sciences Melanocytes, Melanoma, Plasticity, Chemoprevention, Holography, Tumor Initiating Cells, microRNA, Transcriptomics Cancer Biology
Jurynec, Mick MB Human Genetics Osteoarthritis, Genetics, Animal Models, Genomics, Drug Discovery Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Genome Engineering; Immunobiology
Karasov, Talia MB School of Biological Sciences Host-pathogen evolution, microbial genetics, plant immunity, population genetics Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Kardon, Gabrielle MB Human Genetics Musculoskeletal Development, Regeneration Cell Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Kay, Michael MB, BC Biochemistry Protein Design, Viral Entry, Synthetic Biology, and Chemical Protein Synthesis Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Kinsey, Conan MB Oncological Sciences
Koh, Mei MB, BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Solid Tumor Hypoxia, Kidney Cancer, Liver Cancer, HIF-1 and HIF-2, Ferroptosis Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Kopecek, Henry BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Biorecognition & Drug Delivery Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Kramer, Jessica BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Polymer Chemistry, Protein Engineering, Glycobiology Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Immunobiology
Kwan, Kristen MB Human Genetics Eye Development, Cell and Tissue Morphogenesis, Extracellular Matrix, Cell Adhesion, Cytoskeleton, Cell Signaling, Live Imaging, Zebrafish Cell Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Genome Engineering; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Lamb, Tracey MB Microbiology and Immunology Malaria Immunopathogenesis
Leffler, Ellen MB Human Genetics Genomics, evolution, population genetics, non-human primates, malaria Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Leibold, Betty MB Iron Metabolism, Diabetes, Mitosis Metabolism
Lesniewski, Lisa MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Aging, Obesity, Adipose, Artery, Atherosclerosis, Inflammation, Metabolism Metabolism
Letsou, Anthea MB Human Genetics Embryonic Development, Neurometabolic Disease, Neurodegenerative Disease, Drosophila
Leung, Daniel MB Microbiology and Immunology Microbiome, MAIT Cells, Cholera, Oral Vaccines, Diarrheal Diseases, Data Science Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Link, Nichole MB Neurobiology Drosophila Models of Human Disease, Microcephaly, Mechanisms of Virus-Induced Disease, Neuronal Stem Cells, Neurodevelopment, Neurodegeneration Cell Biology; Genome Engineering; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Liu, Baoyu MB Microbiology & Immunology
Liu, Yang MB, BC Biochemistry Nucleic Acids, Gene Editing, Biotechnologies, Single-molecule Biophysics, Cell Dynamics, Immunity Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Genome Engineering
Lo, Wan-Lin MB, BC Microbiology and Immunology T cells; T cell ligand discrimination; T cell development; Self tolerance Immunobiology
Looper, Ryan BC Chemistry Small Molecule Interactions in Biological Systems Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Lu, Yue BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Systems Biology, Extracellular Vesicles, Omics, Nanoengineering, Microfluidics Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Maricq, Villu MB Neurobiology Mechanisms and Development of Synaptic Function, Gluamate receptors and neural circuits Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Marth, Gabor MB Human Genetics DNA Sequence Analysis Software
McDonnell, Fiona BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Extracellular Vesicles, Aqueous Humor Dynamics, Extracellular Matrix, Intraocular Pressure Cell Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
McMahon, Martin MB, BC Oncological Sciences Translational Cancer Research, Mouse Models, Melanoma, Lung Cancer, Thyroid cancer, RAF Kinase, PI3 Kinase, Experimental Therapeutics Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
McPhail, Kerry BC Medicinal Chemistry Natural Products Drug Discovery, Microbial Macrocycles, Untargeted Metabolomics, Tandem Mass Spectrometry, NMR Spectroscopy, Inhibitors of Protein Secretion, Herptile Microbiomes  Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Mendoza, Michelle MB Oncological Sciences Cell Migration, Invasion, RAS, ERK, Lung Cancer, Signaling, Tumor Mechanics Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology
Miller, Matthew MB, BC Biochemistry Chromosome Segregation, Cell Division, Microtubules, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics Cell Biology; Chemical Biology
Mills, Fergil MB Neurobiology
Mulvey, Matthew MB School of Biological Sciences Bacterial Pathogenesis, Innate Immunity, Antibiotics, Antibiotic Resistance, Urinary Tract Infection, Sepsis, Virulence Factors, Genetics, Cell Biology, Zebrafish, Infection Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Murtaugh, Charles MB Human Genetics Pancreas Development, Pancreatic Cancer, Regeneration Cancer Biology; Metabolism; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Myers, Ben MB, BC Oncological Sciences Signaling across the Membrane in Development and Cancer: Hedgehog, Wnt, Primary Cilium, Membrane Proteins / Lipids, G protein-coupled receptors Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Nagy, Gabe BC Chemistry Bioanalytical Separations, Mass Spectrometry, Carbohydrates Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology
O'Connell, Ryan MB Microbiology and Immunology Noncoding RNAs, Inflammation, Cancer, Extracellular Vesicles, Microbiota and Metabolism Cancer Biology; Immunobiology; Metabolism; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Odelberg, Shannon MB Neurobiology Cellular Plasticity and Regeneration Cancer Biology; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Olivera, Toto MB, BC School of Biological Sciences Conotoxins, Molecular Neuroscience Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Genome Engineering
Osterhout, Jessica MB Neurobiology Sickness Symptoms, Immune-brain Communication, Neural Circuits Controlling Sickness Behavior Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Owen, Shawn BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Biotherapeutics, Biomaterials for cell-based therapy Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Park, Sungjin MB Neurobiology Cell Signaling, Neuron-Glial Interaction, GPI-anchored Proteins, extracellular matrix organization Cell Biology; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Pavlova, Natasha MB Oncological Sciences Cancer Metabolism, Tumor Microenvironment, Nutrient Sensing, Amino Acids, tRNA Charging, Regulation of Protein Expression, Cell Fate Determination Cell Biology
Peterson, Randy MB, BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Zebrafish, phenotypic screening, behavior, neuropharmacology, disease models, genome editing, therapeutics Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Genome Engineering; Metabolism; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Pezzolesi, Marcus MB Human Genetics Diabetes, Diabetic Nephropathy, Chronic Kidney Disease, Genetics, Next-generation Sequencing, microRNAs Metabolism
Phadnis, Nitin MB School of Biological Sciences Speciation, genetic conflict segregation distortion, chromosome mechanics Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics
Pornillos, Owen MB, BC Biochemistry HIV Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Virus-host Interactions, Innate Anti-viral Defenses Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Potts, Wayne MB School of Biological Sciences Immunogenetics, Host-parasite Coevolution Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Puri, Aaron BC Chemistry Chemical ecology, drug discovery, microbiome, natural products, microbiology, biosynthesis, secondary metabolites Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Quinlan, Aaron MB Human Genetics Genomics, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Human Genetics, Rare Disease Genetics, Genome Mutation, Genome Evolution Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics
Reeves, Melissa MB Microbiology and Immunology Tumor Immunology, Tumor Heterogeneity, T cells, Tumor Evolution
Reilly, Chris BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Pulmonary Toxicology, Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, Drug Discovery Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Roberts, Andrew BC Chemistry Chemical protein synthesis, peptides, organocatalysis, catalysis, natural products Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Rodan, Aylin MB Human Genetics Ion Transport, Kinase, Drosophila, Kidney, Osmoregulation, Blood Pressure, Salt Sensitivity, Potassium, Sodium, Metabolism Metabolism
Rog, Ofer MB School of Biological Sciences Chromosome Biology, Meiosis, Synaptonemal Complex, C. elegans, Yeast, Microscopy Cell Biology; Genome Engineering
Roh-Johnson, Minna MB, BC Biochemistry Cell Migration, Tumor Microenvironment, Cytoskeleton, Zebrafish, Mouse, Dictyostelium, Immunology, Breast Cancer, Melanoma Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Immunobiology; Metabolism
Rondina, Matthew MB Microbiology and Immunology Inflammation, RNA expression, proteins, megakaryocytes and platelet regulation Metabolism; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Rose, Gary MB School of Biological Sciences Neural Mechanisms of Behavior Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Round, June MB Microbiology and Immunology Host-Commensal Bacterial Interactions, Gut microbiota, immunity, metabolism, obesity, colon cancer, IBD Immunobiology; Metabolism; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Roy, Koushik MB, BC Microbiology and Immunology Transcriptional Regulation, Cell Signaling, Adaptive Immunity, B Cell Biology, Immunological Memory, B Cell Cancer, Vaccine development, Systems Biology
Rutter, Jared MB, BC Biochemistry Metabolism, Signaling, Mitochondrial Biology Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Safavi-Hemami, Helena MB, BC Biochemistry Natural Products, Drug Discovery, Venom, Peptides, Evolution, Computational Peptide Discovery, Neuropeptides, Hormones, Signaling Systems, GPCRs, Membrane Proteins, Ion Channels, Metabolism, Insulin, Diabetes, Pain Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Saffarian, Saveez BC School of Biological Sciences Enveloped Virus Budding Chemical Biology
Saijoh, Yukio MB Neurobiology Left-Right Asymmetry, heart development
Schiffman, Joshua MB Oncological Sciences Copy Number, Genomics, Hereditary Cancer, Comparative Oncology Cancer Biology
Schmidt, Eric MB, BC Medicinal Chemistry Symbiosis, microbiome, metagenomics, synthetic biology, natural products chemistry, biosynthesis Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Genome Engineering
Shcheglovitov, Alex MB Neurobiology Development of human cerebral cortex, synapses, and neuronal networks in health and disease Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Shen, Peter MB, BC Biochemistry Protein Homeostasis, Protein Structure, cryo-EM Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology
Shepherd, Jason MB, BC Neurobiology Synaptic plasticity, memory and neurological disorders, Memory Formation Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Shiu, Yan-Ting MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology
Sieburth, Leslie MB School of Biological Sciences Plant Developmental Genetics
Sigala, Paul MB, BC Biochemistry Malaria Parasite Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Heme and Iron Metabolism, Organelle Metabolism, Regulation, and Adaptation Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Metabolism; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Snyder, Eric MB Oncological Sciences Lineage Plasticity in Cancer Cancer Biology
Spike, Ben MB Oncological Sciences Stem Cells, Tissue Development, Cellular Plasticity, Cellular Heterogeneity, Transcriptomics, Tumor Microenvironment, Myofibrosis and Extracellular Vesicles Cancer Biology; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Stanfield, Gillian MB Human Genetics Cell Division, Cell Migration, Cell Competition
Starr, Tyler MB, BC Biochemistry Protein evolution in viruses and immunity, SARS-CoV-2; HIV, Zoonosis, Molecular Evolution Biomolecular Structure and Function; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Stewart, Rodney MB Oncological Sciences Zebrafish Cancer Models, Childhood Cancers, Brain Tumors, Embryology, Live-Imaging, Genetics, Genomics and Epigenetics Cancer Biology; Cell Biology
Summers, Scott MB, BC Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Metabolic Disease, Sphingolipids, Ceramide, Insulin Resistance and Beta Cell Failure Chemical Biology; Metabolism
Sundquist, Wes MB, BC Biochemistry HIV Assembly, Replication and Restriction; Cell Division Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Swaminathan, Sankar MB Microbiology and Immunology Virology, Immunology, epigenetics Immunobiology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Swanson, Jessica BC Chemistry Computational Biophysics, Multiscale Simulations of Biomolecular Systems, Electrochemically Driven Transport, Channels and Transporters, Protein Targeting to Lipid Droplets, Bacterial Methane Mitigation Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Metabolism; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Tan, Aik Choon MB Oncological Sciences Translational Bioinformatics, Cancer Systems Biology, Cancer Data Science, Computational Immuno-Oncology, Precision Oncology Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Immunobiology
Tantin, Dean MB Microbiology and Immunology Gene Regulation in T cells, in T cell memory and autoimmunity, in Stem Cells and in Cancer Cancer Biology; Immunobiology; Metabolism; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Tavtigian, Sean MB Oncological Sciences Genetic Cancer Susceptibility Cancer Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics
Tian, Ning MB Neurobiology Synaptic development, circuit assembly, synaptic plasticity, molecular control, retina Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Ullman, Katie MB Oncological Sciences Cell Division, Nuclear Transport, Nuclear assembly, DNA damage, Cytokinesis Cancer Biology
VanBrocklin, Matthew MB Oncological Sciences Melanoma, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung, Molecular Targets Cancer Biology
Varley, K-T MB Oncological Sciences Genomics, Breast Cancer, Epigenetics, Gene Regulation, DNA methylation, Biomarkers, CRISPR, Ovarian Cancer, Cancer Immunotherapy, Cancer Immunology Cancer Biology
Venero Galanternik, Marina MB Human Genetics Meninges, zebrafish, developmental biology, meningeal cells, perivascular meningeal cells, lymphatic system, lymphatic vessels, meningeal layers, high-resolution microscopy Cell Biology; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Venosa, Alessandro MB, BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Cell Biology, Lung inflammation, Lung fibrosis, Environmental Toxicology Immunobiology
Vershinin, Michael BC School of Biological Sciences Molecular Motors, Biophysics Chemical Biology
Vetter, Monica MB Neurobiology Chromatin modifiers in development, Microglia in retinal development and disease Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Vierra, Nick MB School of Biological Sciences Molecular Neuroscience, Membrane Contact Sites, Electrophysiology, Intracellular Signaling, Antibodies Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Wachowiak, Matt MB Neurobiology Optical imaging, olfaction, neural circuits, odorant receptors, behavior Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Wang, Yuru MB, BC Medicinal Chemistry Epitranscriptomics, RNA Modifications, RNA Editing, Pseudouridine, Inosine, Protein Evolution, Biomedicine, RNA Therapeutics Biomolecular Structure and Function; Chemical Biology; Genome Engineering
Weller, Melodie MB Microbiology and Immunology Virology, Autoimmune Diseases, Oral Health, Infectious Disease, Infectious Disease Surveillance Cell Biology
Welm, Alana MB Oncological Sciences Metastasis of Breast Cancer Cancer Biology
Welm, Bryan MB, BC Oncological Sciences Breast Cancer/ Stem Cells Cancer Biology; Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Werner, Michael MB School of Biological Sciences Developmental (Phenotypic) Plasticity, Chromatin, Epigenetics, Gene Regulation Cell Biology; Chemical Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Genome Engineering; Metabolism
Wilcox, Karen BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Anticonvulsant Drugs, inflammation, epilepsy Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Immunobiology; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Williams, Matt MB Microbiology and Immunology T cell Differentiation and Function in Response to Infections and Tumors, Immunologic Memory Cell Biology; Immunobiology
Williams, Megan MB Neurobiology Neurobiology, Molecular Mechanisms of Synapse Formation Cell Biology; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Winter, Jaclyn BC Pharmacology and Toxicology Natural Product Biosynthesis, Drug Discovery, Synthetic Biology, Antibiotic Resistance Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D); Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Yandell, Mark MB Human Genetics Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics
Yang, Jun MB Neurobiology Photoreceptors, Hair Cells and Multi-Protein Complex, Treatment of Retinal Degeneration Cell Biology; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine
Yang, Tianxin MB Nutrition and Integrative Physiology (Pro)renin receptor, the distal nephron, hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes
Yang, Xiaoxu MB Human Genetics Mosaicism, Genomics, Computational biology, Variant calling, Bioinformatics, Human genetics, Development, Genome mutation Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics
Yoo, Chan Yul MB School of Biological Sciences Plant Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology, Photoreceptor-containing Nuclear Bodies (Photobodies), Organelle Communication, Genetics Biomolecular Structure and Function; Cell Biology; Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics
Yoo, Heejin MB School of Biological Sciences Plant Immunity, Plant Metabolism, Translational Regulation, Programmed Cell Death, Effector Triggered Immunity, Systemic Acquired Resistance, Salicylic Acid, Plant Volatiles Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics; Immunobiology; Metabolism; Microbial Biology and Pathogenesis
Young, Arabella MB Microbiology and Immunology Cancer Immunotherapy, Immune-related Adverse Events, Tumor Microenvironment, Autoimmunity, Diabetes Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Immunobiology
Yu, Michael (Seungju) BC Molecular Pharmaceutics Drug delivery, Tissue engineering, Regenerative medicine, Biopolymers, Collagen, Peptide Chemical Biology; Drug and Diagnostic Discovery and Development (4D)
Zelikowsky, Moriel MB Neurobiology Stress, Social Isolation, PTSD, Neural Circuits of Emotion, Neuropeptides Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Zhang, Xiaoyang MB, BC Oncological Sciences Cancer Genomics, 3D Genomics Genome/Epigenome Editing
Zhu, Weiquan (Wendy) MB Microbiology & Immunology Immunobiology
Last Updated: 7/24/24